Telecommunication Company in Pakistan, Telenor Has Launched B2B Solutions

Telecommunication Company in Pakistan, Telenor Has Launched B2B Solutions to Assist Businesses in ‘Getting Future Ready’. Telenor Pakistan has introduced its cutting-edge portfolio of company solutions to allow its corporate clients keep up with the changes in the business world. Telenor Business strives to help businesses of all sizes navigate through the storms ahead by providing them with a continuously evolving work environment that necessitates technological solutions.

Telenor Has Launched B2B Solutions

Since its birth, Telenor’s business solutions have been an important component of the company’s offering and the business suite has developed over time in order to provide sophisticated products and services while also supplying businesses with the tools they need to operate effectively.

The Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) modified its name to Telenor Business suite in 2017, and it has since evolved into a provider of productivity, marketing, and IoT solutions. Telenor Pakistan aims to provide the finest customer service standards available to corporate clients, and the servicing platforms are being converted to be future-ready.

Telenor Business suite has a comprehensive portfolio split across four main streams: Internet of Things (IoT), Self-Servicing Platform for corporate clients, Customized Enterprise Solutions, and Data as a Service (DaaS).

These solutions aim to equip businesses of any size to thrive in a complex business environment, be it a growing startup, small and medium enterprise, or any large organization. They also aim to provide one-window operations with reliable and secure infrastructure, improved business efficiency with visibility into operations and performance, secure digital access, and advanced monitoring and analytics.

“In today’s fast-changing environment, running a successful business necessitates dealing with and overcoming a plethora of anxieties and challenges on a daily basis,” stated Omer Bin Tariq, Telenor Pakistan’s Chief Business Officer. “Telenor Pakistan’s Business solutions give businesses more freedom to adapt as the situation requires it most.

“We stay focused on our clients’ requirements, which allows us to provide digitalized customer service through automation, allowing our business customers greater flexibility and control. Telenor Business offers industry-leading solutions that match global standards, thanks to its leading position in bringing the newest technologies to the market.

Telenor Pakistan will be organizing special events across the country in the future months to meet with new and existing business clients, showcasing its IoT solutions through experience zones.

The pandemic has shown that a lot of human contact may be reduced and replaced with clever ideas. Smart electricity, gas, or water meters are just a few examples. In addition, smart healthcare incorporates remote monitoring of a patient’s condition so that they can avoid hospitals unless absolutely necessary.

“IoT platforms will become a mainstay in Pakistan as the country becomes even more digitalized. This will not only fill gaps in pandemic management, but it will also cut medical expenditures and increase delivery timeliness and affordability in logistics. It will also assist smart cities develop,” said Seth Ryding, Chief Sales Officer at Telenor Connexion. Telenor Connexion collaborates with Telenor Pakistan on IoT ecosystems and has assisted businesses all around the world in adopting managed connectivity and cloud-based solutions.

IoT is being used in the creation of a smart city project in Brazil, which includes smart solutions for health, education, security, and tourism. South Africa has established its own smart city initiative to create 200,000 jobs for local residents. Similar initiatives are catching on around the world, with connectivity as their foundation.

Telenor Business provides a variety of business solutions in four streams, including state-of-the-art fleet and asset management via IoT, advanced data analytics to help make informed decisions, and bespoke business solutions such as hotel accommodation.

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